Little Round Top

Little Round Top

As we saw in Chapter 13, Little Round Top was being attacked on July 2nd, 1863. Colonel Chamberlain leading his 20th Maine, stopped the Alabamians from taking the left side with their famous bayonet charge. But the right side of Little Round Top was still being attacked by two Texas regiments (4th and 5th) and one Alabama regiment (48th). Fierce fighting occurred there under constant sniper fire from Devil’s Den. At the end of the day, the Union still held Little Round Top right, but the Union had lost four very brave officers.

This poem, Little Roundtop, is dedicated to Colonel Vincent, Colonel O’Rourke, General Weed, and Lieutenant Hazlett

by Christopher Rudolph © 2015

Strong_Vincent Colonel Strong Vincent


Chapter 14 – Little Round Top Right – Day 2


On the western side of the hill

The Boys of Blue were in for a fight

For Texans and Alabamians were assaulting

Little Round Top right


Colonel Strong Vincent

Rallying his crumbling regiment

The 16th MICH in desperate need

Of reinforcements to be sent


Wave after wave charged

Fueled by Texas and Alabama adrenaline

Blown back bloody repulsed

Only to charge again


Mounting a large boulder

A riding crop his hand clinched

Waving it high 

Vincent shouted, “Don’t give an inch!”


A bullet then struck him

Bursting explosion of shells

Struck again in the groin

Mortally wounded Vincent fell


An intrepid leader

He paid the ultimate price

Now taking over command for him

Colonel James C. Rice


Then into the fray charged

Men from 140th New York

Sent by General Warren

Led by Colonel Patrick O’Rourke


Paddy himself led the charge

Down the western face of the hill

Driving the rebels back down

Many were captured or killed


He sprang upon a rock

Urging his men to forge ahead

He was then shot in the neck

To the ground he fell dead


Another brave leader lost

To save Little Round Top

But it wasn’t over yet

The Rebels not yet stopped


More reinforcements now coming

In their desperate time of need

Sent from General Sykes V Corp

3rd Brigade of General Stephen H. Weed


Weed’s men helped Lieutenant Hazlett

Move six Parrott rifles up top

Battery D 5th US Artillery

Now had a better firing spot


But Confederate fire

Kept coming from damn Devil’s Den

Continuous barrage steady

Killing many Union men


Then one ball screaming

From a sharp shooter’s nest

Struck General Weed

A mortal wound in the chest


Lieutenant Hazlett went

To hear his last words

From his dear old friend

That day at Gettysburg


Weed said, “I’d rather die here

On this Little Top Round

Then let the Rebels gain

Even an inch of this ground”


Hazlett knelt over him listening

Then shot in the head

A sniper’s bullet felling him

Now he too was dead


Throughout the day

They defended the hill

But them Rebels were brave

They kept charging still


Until finally it stopped

And the day passed to night

So many had died

In the fight of all fights


We’ll never forgot that day

And all they went through

They saved Little Round Top Right

Those Union Boys of Blue


Go to Chapter 15

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Battle of Gettysburg Poem

A ballad poem about the unexpected and miraculous victory of The Union.


             Charge of the 1st Minnesota


“Christopher Rudolph exercises his study of the Confederacy’s invasion of Pennsylvania to create a poem. He relates the story of the campaign and Battle of Gettysburg with insight and care for detail. It will appeal to the student and the enthusiast.” –  Donald J Frey – Civil War Author, Longstreet’s Assault – Pickett’s Charge, In The Woods Before Dawn, The Adventures of Daniel Buchwalter in the Western Army, and others.

A “Monumental piece.” Janet Morgan Riggs – President of Gettysburg College

“Excellent, and a great way to get students interested in history! It’s extremely creative, and a great approach to teaching.” – Diane Zazzali DeBella – Writing Professor at University of Colorado

 “I loved it. Quite a tour de force.” – Judy Hammer – High School English and Drama Teacher

This battle was fought for three days from July 1st to July 3rd, 1863. It is estimated that there were over 50,000 casualties in the two armies fighting (28,000 from the Confederate Army and 23,000 from the Union Army). It was the bloodiest battle of the entire Civil War.

Battle of Gettysburg Poem

by Christopher Rudolph © 2015

Chapter 1 – Army of Northern Virginia

Chapter 2 – Army of Potomoc

Chapter 3 – Colonel Chamberlain

Chapter 4 – General Buford

Chapter 5 – The First Shot

Chapter 6 – Buford Day 1

Chapter 7 – Railroad Cut

Chapter 8 – Chamberlain Day 1

Chapter 9 – Buford Night 1

Chapter 10 – Chamberlain Day 2

Chapter 11 – General Longstreet

Chapter 12 – Charge of 1st Minnesota

Chapter 13 – Charge of 20th Maine

Chapter 14 – Little Round Top

Chapter 15 – Culp’s Hill

Chapter 16 – Longstreet Night 2

Chapter 17 – Chamberlain Day 3

Chapter 18 – Longstreet Day 3

Chapter 19 – East Cavalry Field

Chapter 20 – Pickett’s Charge

Chapter 21 – Bloody Angle

Chapter 22 – The Aftermath

Chapter 23 – The End

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